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Needless to say, It's been awhile...


It's been a little bit since I've written a post. There have been so many things going on. Not only in the world but in my life. I've been going through an awakening and while I'm going through this affirmation I've been having the urge to lay low and tend to myself more than I ever have before. I've been practicing tarot and doing daily readings for myself as a means to "go deeper". In going deeper, things that I have to let go of and heal from come up. Here I am thinking I'm doing the work and BOOM! there's layers to this shit. It's been quite a ride. I received some good news this weekend and unfortunately I can't share exactly what it is just yet but what I will say is that it is in alignment with my dreams and goals so big ups to spirit for putting this thing in the works.

I've really been doing the best I can, trying to maintain and still be mindful of how I'm showing up. I'm realizing that as I surrender to spirit and began to call on my spirit guides and speak the names of ancestors and family who have passed on, I've been tapping into my power. I've been speaking and moving different and overall, I FEEL different. Have you ever felt something that was uncomfortable but felt good at the same time? It's like feeling uncomfortable and then realizing "I'm okay", "I'm alive, "this is different, but it isn't so bad".

I'm riding this thing until the wheels fall off (or at least until it's time to get some new wheels ha! they don't have to completely fall off). In my previous post I spoke about liberation and that has been a constant them in my life since then. Discipline is also a theme that has been rearing it's head lately and I'm surrendering to that too! Ya girl is about to be a whole new woman and I can't wait to see it. Until next time. Love & Light.

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